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Hi! I’m Doris. I’m a Product Designer currently based in Vancouver, BC. 

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with solving problems, streamlining processes and making things visually appealing. I’ve learned throughout the years of schooling and designing products that great products utilize a balance of form and function. 

The user experience is both a practical and emotional experience. Without pragmatism, products would not function. Without emotional design, products would lack interest, engagement, and experience.

Throughout my career, I have been able to design for a wide range of products, from interactive web apps, games, websites, and community platforms. I have also been able to incorporate other skillsets, such as motion graphics and gamification, to provide experiences that are immersive and entertaining. 

When I’m not at my laptop, you can find me knitting or crocheting, drawing, playing board games with friends, and making baked goods.